Walking Through Shadows by Ken Ham and Carl Wieland

Reviewed by Tim Chaffey


     Walking Through Shadows was written to help people find hope in a world of pain.  The authors paint an accurate picture of this world to help the reader understand that pain, suffering, and death are a result of man’s sin.  Having an accurate view of these subjects are crucial if one is ever going to be comforted during times of trial. 

     Both of the authors have dealt with personal tragedy and this book is a result of their reflections on these situations.  Carl Wieland tells of his terrible automobile accident that he barely survived and left him crippled.  Ken Ham shares his experience of watching his younger brother die of a degenerating brain disease.

     John MacArthur accurately sums up this book in the foreword: “Scripture says one of the reasons God allows us to suffer is so that He can comfort us and thus equip us to comfort others in their suffering (2 Cor. 1:3-4).  Ken and Carl have found rich consolation from the heart of God in their own sufferings, and one of the beautiful fruits of that suffering is this book.  Many will find it a rich source of comfort and encouragement in the midst of their trials.  Others will find biblical help for questions that may have long troubled them.  All will be reminded of the goodness of God to His people and His precious promise that the sufferings of this present time are not even worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us throughout all eternity.”

     Wieland’s testimony was especially insightful.  It was encouraging to read someone’s thoughts as they endured endless surgeries and complications from a near fatal accident.  Carl writes about his emotions and thoughts as he found out he was going to lose one of his eyes.  He also effectively deals with the tendency to feel sorry for oneself when tragedy strikes.  He also provides a great perspective on the “health & wealth gospel” idea.  He shows that God is in control of all things and that we need to rely on Him during these tough times.

     Ken Ham also focuses on God’s sovereignty in every situation.  From a human standpoint it does not make any sense that God would allow a young and godly preacher to suffer and die from a brain disease just as his ministry was getting underway.  However, who can know the mind of God?  How can we tell Him that it was not right for God to take someone that we love?  Nothing happens to us that is outside of God’s control.  This fact should bring great comfort when we understand that we are the ones to blame for all of the terrible things in this world. 

     I would strongly recommend this book to anyone.  It is a quick read that is filled with excellent insights into this complicated subject.  I read this book just prior to performing two funerals in one weekend.  The thoughts expressed helped me to understand this topic. 

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(9.5 out of 10)

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