The Evolution of a Creationist by Dr. Jobe Martin

Reviewed by Tim Chaffey


     This book is written as a companion to the outstanding three volume video set Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution.  Each of these videos detail ten different animals that soundly refute the evolutionary theory.  They are extremely well done and are quite entertaining as well as informative.

     This book serves two purposes.  First, it reveals the reasons that the one-time evolutionist, Dr. Jobe Martin, became a Bible believing creationist.  Second, this book provides some outstanding information on the creation/evolution controversy in every day language so the reader is not overwhelmed by technical terminology.

     Dr. Martin explains that following his first lecture as a professor he was challenged by two students to look into the claims of creation science.  He was confident that he would blow these guys out of the water.  They asked him to examine the tiny bombardier beetle and explain how it could have evolved.  What Dr. Martin learned astounded him.  He discovered that there is absolutely no way that this fascinating beetle could have evolved.  Over the next five years, Dr. Martin struggled with his decision of giving up his evolutionary training and believing in the Creator instead.

     In later chapters, Martin explains some technical issues in a very readable fashion.  He shows that the “Missing Links are Still Missing.”  He demonstrates that evolution of one creature into another is not only impossible, but utterly absurd and beyond all laws of science.  He deals with issues such as the age of the earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, the possibility of a pre-flood water canopy, and the lies that exist in public school science textbooks that are used to promote evolution.

     One very helpful tool found in this book is that at the end of every chapter, Dr. Martin looks at one “Marvel of God’s Creation.”  Each of these creatures perfectly illustrates the impossibility of evolution.  Some of these creatures include the bombardier beetle, gecko, giraffe, beaver, woodpecker, chuckwalla lizard, and the chicken egg.

     Dr. Martin’s engaging personality shines through in this excellent book.  His writing style makes this book very easy to read and very informative.  He stresses the authority and inerrancy of God’s Word throughout the entire volume.  He also shows how important the study of origins is in a person’s life.  If we come from ape-like creatures then we are not accountable to God and can live however we want to.  On the other hand, if God is our Creator then we are accountable to Him.  This book and the corresponding videos are extremely good.  The videos are some of the best that I have ever seen.  I would highly recommend them to anyone.  Please see for more information.

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(9.5 out of 10)

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