Dr. Norman L. Geisler


     Dr. Geisler is Dean of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.  The author or coauthor of more than sixty books and hundreds of articles, he speaks and debates nationally and internationally.  Dr. Geisler holds a B.A. and an M.A. from Wheaton College, a Th.B. from William Tyndale College, and a Ph.D. from Loyola University in Chicago.[1]

     Dr. Geisler is typically regarded as one of top Christian apologists in the world.  His own apologetics ministry (Impact Apologetics) offers hundreds of helpful resources in this field.  Christian Apologetics, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, and his four volume Systematic Theology[2] are some of our personal favorites. 

     Christian apologists are indebted to Dr. Geisler for his efforts.  Midwest Apologetics appreciates his work but must take issue with his stance on the days of creation.[3]  Unfortunately, despite his insistence upon biblical inerrancy, Dr. Geisler somehow reasons that God's Word needs help in this area.  While he usually remains silent on this issue, some of his writings betray an acceptance of billions of years and possibly some form of Progressive Creation.  Outside of Genesis 1 - 11, Midwest Apologetics strongly endorses his work.   


[1] Summary taken from back cover of Dr. Geisler’s Systematic Theology: Volume I

[2] Volume Four has not been released as of 6/21/05.

[3] For more on this topic please see our critique of his “Genesis, Days of” article from Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.

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